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Aliens Probably Exist. But not the Way You Think

When it comes to the topic of whether aliens exist the majority of the public gets divided in to two groups. The first group that believes in aliens and they often describe them to be those humanoid little creatures with an excessively large head and eyes. The other group does not believe in aliens and dismisses the idea of life on other planets completely. The believers will talk about UFO Conspiracy's at Area 51. Alien abductions which more often than not involve anal probing of some sort. And many are also followers of alien cults where the cult leader regularly probes his followers with his Pickle. This is really disgusting by the way, if the cult leader is ugly and does not wash his pickle between probes.

The non believers are often right in that they recognize the whole alien cult thing as probable fiction made up by megalomaniac cult leaders and authors seeking a following for their abysmal ideas. Some of these followers are ignoramuses with a lack of reasoning power, while others simply have a tendancy to be gullable. However It is important to note that not all believers are gullable or ignorant. After all humanity has been deceived and betrayed by those we are suposed to be able to trust. And If we have been betraied in other areas such as medicine it is not unreasonable to consider that we might have been lied to about the existance of aliens as well. There is a third relatively small but growing group consisting mainly of scientists, indifiduals familiar with the scientific method and people that care to educate themselves. This is where you are most likely to find acurate information that is alo at least to some degree proven. Life most likely does exist on other planets. In fact the probabilities are that life exists on numerous planets throughout the universe. But how likely is it that such creatures are little humanoid aliens that fly around in saucer like UFOs?

To get a better understanding of what such life might look like it pays to take a look at how life has evolved on planet earth. The earth is a carbon silicon based sphere with a large iron nickel core. the ability of the element carbon to form long and complex chains is very important for biology as it exists on earth. Organisms both complex and simple are made of carbon chains. The oldest fossils discovered so far date back to approximately 3.7-3.9 billion years ago. Those ancient organisms where all anaerobic thermo files and our last common ancestors. Scientist are not shure whether life on earth initiated in a primordial soup that got a spark from lightening. Or whether the earth was seeded with microbial life from a meteorite. If the latter was the case than life would have come from somewhere else in space and traveled here on a meteorit. The earth was formed about four and a halve billion years ago. 3.9 billion years ago the earths atmosphere had no oxygen, it consisted of carbon-dioxide, water vapor and a small amount of nitrogen. Over time the earth cooled water condensed and formed early oceans, and it is in these oceans that life first started to evolve. The early earth's atmosphere about three billion years ago consisted primarily of hydrogen, carbon-dioxide, hydrogen-sulphate and methane. A primitive organism called cyanobacteria formerly known as "blue green algae" started to utilize the suns energy. Cyanobacteria formed a green pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll together with sunlight is turned Carbon dioxide and water in to carbohydrate and oxygen. this allowed the cyanobacteria to multiply and release large quantities of free oxygen in to the water and air. This eventually produced the oxygen rich atmosphere that later allowed bigger and more complex organisms to evolve in the oceans as well as outside the ocean.

The earth is just the right distance from the sun making it neither to Cold nor to hot. It has the right amount of gravity to hold on to a atmosphere but not so much gravity as to crush everything that wants to stand up. The earth's large iron core gives it a strong magnetosphere which prevents the solar wind from blowing away its atmosphere. Once these conditions where right life could start. There is no doubt that the earth is not the only planet in the universe that has these conditions or similar conditions where life can start to evolve.

Charles Darwin was perhaps the first who brought us the theory of evolution which plays a vital part in what we toady understand about how life came to be and how it evolved in to the complexity that it has. At first there were primitive single celled organisms that lived in the earth's oceans. Over time small genetic mutations happen by chance. If these mutations happen to be superior to life in a given environment it will become better at surviving and therefore procreating within that environment. If the mutation results in a inferior organism meaning it is incapable of survival in its given environment it will die and so will its genes. This is called natural selection or survival of the fittest. Over millions of years life has evolved in to primitive fish and other sea creatures as well as plants creating a tree of evolution. The tree splits in to different branches creating a diversity of creatures capable of survival. Once the beginning of the evolutionary tree has bean established it becomes next to impossible for a new tree to start from scratch If single celled organisms attempt to start new forms of life which does happen by chance, these new organisms would not survive because they will fall pray to the already more advanced organisms. Evolution is not fast enough to evolve a new organism from scratch that has the size or the tools to defend itself against the already existing organisms. If new organisms where allowed to evolve in a isolated environment away from the already existing organisms, they could evolve in to something that is big and strong enough to compete against the creatures that had evolved earlier.

Since such an isolation did not exist on our earth every animal, fish and us humans descended from the same evolutionary tree meaning we are all related. Every animal is like a twig that leads back in to a series of joining branches. The twigs that grow on the top of the tree are closely related and branches that split on the beginning of the evolutionary trees trunk are distantly related. For instance Homosapiens and Neanderthals are closely related and only went on different evolutionary paths very recently where as spiders and Humans are very distantly related and went different evolutionary paths a long time ago when there was only life in the oceans. There are many things that show us just how closely related we are to other mammals. For instance we all have two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, a number of teeth five digits claws fingernails. The skeletons are virtually identical except for slightly different proportions and shapes. They all have the same set of internal organs. And all procreate via male and female. When you look at creatures more distantly related like Spiders and Slugs The differences start to get bigger Spiders have eight limbs instead of four and slugs have no legs at all. Al slugs have a male organ and some lizards can procreate asexually.

If everything that lives was to be removed from this earth and evolution was to repeat itself from scratch. We would get an entirely different and completely non related set of species. They might be asexual or instead of male and female they might have three or more different genders. They would likely not have the types of faces that we are used to. there is no law that says how many eyes one has or if they would develop an entirely new method for sight. Everything would evolve totally independent from what we have now. Even though sometimes similar solutions might be found by evolution to take on certain challenges. For biting for instance something hard and sharp is required. This could be something that looks like teeth or a beak.

The reason this whole evolution concept needs to be understood in order to understand extraterrestrial life is because it raises a view very important issues. One of these issues is the fact that evolution will happen on any planet that has the right conditions for life, and considering the size of the universe there will no doubt be a lot of such planets. Another thing to critically think about is the likelihood of such living being to resemble a little humanoid alien. Normally any living organism that bears such close humanoid resemblance to us would most likely be a primate which happens to share a close common ancestor, likely as closely related to us as the Neanderthals which are placed right next to us on the evolutionary tree. But we also need to keep in mind that under similar conditions nature often finds similar solutions. On this planet alone eyes have evolved independently of each other several times. it is therefore still possible that a humanoid looking creature could evolve on another planet without being related to us or any other creature in our evolutionary tree.
Some alien believers propose the idea that humans themselves where placed here by aliens or are of alien decent. This possible only if all life on earth descends from aliens. We share the same evolutionary tree and therefore much of the same DNA with every other living organism on this planet which not only includes animals but also plants. This evolutionary tree traces all the way back to single celled organisms. Humans share about 70% the same DNA as a squirl or a dog. Keeping this in mind it is theoretically possible that life in its entirety was placed here by aliens but it is not possible that only humans where placed here by aliens.

To conclude this Article. In a universe as large as it is probability would dictate that there will be numerous planets that have complex life some of which are likely to have intelligent life and there will be even more places that have simple bacteria type life forms. At this point I leave it up to you what you choose to belivue about sliens visiting the eart.

For your critical thinking and Knowledge,
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